Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sexy bunneh!

So today I'm bored an am running out of clothes to blog :( ! So my friend Willow decided to volunteer... OK not really i begged her lol  anyways hers the pic an I'm so proud of myself for figuring out how to make a lense flare in Photoshop! anyways here the pic!
Pose:  ::{u.f.o}::
como is wearing Vintage flower dress(2)
 *Love Tribe Bracelt* by La Forgia Jewels
                  [W&B] Repairs Necklace GOLD-ONYX
                  (NS) Gloria Diamond Ring
                  )AI(-"Foy Porter" Unisex Ring, Emerald
                  -V-Epigon Ear-Studded
>TRUTH< Whitney Streaked Mirage (light blonde pack)
::Kookie:: Armarda Long/Noir
                  fri. - Layering.Tank - Scoop (Black) - Jacket
                  DeeTalez Tights Nylon Black
                  AITUI TATTOO-Heart
                  HA! Ruffles Sport *pink*
                  !Iris Shape
                  LAQ~ Vilda [Nougat] Glow Skin (blonde brows)
                  Rozena~Tempt~eye~ water
Bunny Ears:  ::YMH:: Hopping Mad

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Khush 50% SALE!

Khush is having a 50% off sale for all clothes in the store!

Outfit Georgia
Belt Blitezed
Shoes UBU

ALSO: I got photoshop! thanks to a few friends!! So now ill try to see if i can make pretty pictures!! let me know what you think also if you have photoshop id really like to learn how to use it if you want to help Im me inworld please!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Im feeling.....

Bored an somewhat sassy XD Here's my LOTD!
Hair :Truth
Shirt: Deetalez
Belt: Pepper
Pants: LG
Shoes: UBU

  Today's Song Blue October -Hate Me

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

iv dissapeared off the face of the earth.....

Ok not really i just have been super busy with some RL stuff an have not had the time to post! hopefully as soon as things quiet down ill be able to post something again! Till then Huggies my readers......

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday LOTD

Its Monday ugh Here's my LOTD
Hair: Truth
Shirt: Crazy
Shoes: UBU

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Nothing to say ......
Shoes: 2Real

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Not Awake

An yet i feel hyper /o/ Here's My LOTD
Hair: Truth
Belt: Blitez
Shorts: Saiko

Friday, April 1, 2011